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Prenatal Care

For those seeking Prenatal Care through a Physician, please visit Coastal Maternity Care and complete the Centralized Referral Form:


Coastal Maternity Care - New Centralized Referral




Family physicians providing prenatal care: 


Dr. Tracy Mihalynuk

Viewmount Medical Clinic - 778-265-6433


For those seeking Midwifery Care, please contact these providers:


Arbutus Midwives - (250) 900-3770  


Cook Street Community Midwives - (250) 386-4116 


Dandelion Midwifery - (778) 351-4441 


Earthside Birth - (250) 410-3331 


Midwives Collective - (250) 590-7605 


Roundhouse Midwives - (250) 800-0909 


Sooke Midwifery - (778) 425-0780 


Victoria Youth Clinic  - Foundry

(250) 383-3552 ext. 1

  • Perinatal services for youth 12-24yo

  • Clients who face substance use disorder and Indigenous birth evacuees



If all providers listed above are full, contact: 


Urgent Antenatal Care Clinic 

Located at the Victoria General Hospital (VGH) for prenatal care. 

(250) 727-4187


Support for Newcomers to Canada:​


If you're new to Canada and waiting for your Medical Services Plan (MSP) coverage to begin, there are programs available to help you in the meantime.


Step 1: Check Eligibility for Health Programs
To determine if you’re eligible for health coverage while awaiting your MSP, visit:


For more detailed information on what you may qualify for, refer to this document:
Interim Federal Health Program Guide


Step 2: Find Healthcare Providers Covered by Medavie Blue Cross

If you are eligible for coverage through Medavie Blue Cross, you can access care from the following healthcare providers:



If you have any questions about eligibility or need assistance, please contact the BC Refugee Hub.​​

Healthy Pregnancy

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Perinatal Education Resources


Our goal is that no one in Greater Victoria faces an unexpected pregnancy alone.


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Putting faith into practice in Victoria, BC

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